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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Sunday, August 09, 2015

All music, all the time

Had a whimsical thought this morning as I got ready for church: wonder if there's a Pandora station for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir? Turns out there is. Added to my burgeoning list, along with last night's Stevie Ray Vaughan station.

For our intermediate hymn today, we had "Be Still, My Soul," arranged by/accompanied by the mother-in-law of our RS president. Singers were the RS president, hubby/MIL's son/seminary teacher, one of our organists, and a relatively new member of our ward. So beautiful. I definitely got misty-eyed. That was one of my comfort songs when everything was going down the tubes in Fredericksburg. It's pretty much guaranteed to make me cry. L's MIL is a new widow. I met her and her husband several months ago when they were doing a lightning-round visit of all their children before he passed from cancer. Lovely people. Lovely music.

I came home from church, more than a little wiped out, and took a nap that turned into a borderline nghtmare. Definitely an anxiety dream. I was in Mom's house, expecting guests for a dinner party, and could find nothing that I needed to make it happen. I didn't recognize the dishes, or the tools and equipment to fix the meal, and people were talking talking talking, and I just needed to think.

I was very glad to wake up. And quite hungry when I did, which may have been the source of the anxiety. I felt somewhat better after eating, but there was a lingering sense of confusion which only dispelled when I pulled up my Sabbath playlist on iTunes and worked on the medallion quilt for awhile.

Since then, I've added a few rows to the stealth project, finished reading a chapter in the biography of Fred and Adele Astaire, and followed up on a comment my brother-in-law made while I was visiting last month. McMinnville, Oregon is named after McMinnville, Tennessee, where a whole bunch of my family came from. It was settled by a brother of my great-great-grandmother, William T. Newby. I have FB friends who live a short distance from Newby Elementary School. And Linfield College sits on land donated by William T.

End of history lesson. I'm still a little hungry, and it's time to try sleeping again. Tomorrow will be here in a little over an hour, and it's likely to be a busy day.

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