About Me

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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

My computer is home!

They fired it up for me, and it was so great to see the picture of Beloved and me taken outside the temple after his eldest son's sealing (my wallpaper).

I've pretty much noodled away the evening, messing about on my phone. I was listening to a chapter in 3 Nephi when I got distracted trying to figure out how many people have been translated without tasting death. Moses. Elijah. Elisha. Alma. John the Beloved. The three Nephites. I wonder if there are others from the Old Testament, or if the priesthood keys which they held were transmitted to Peter, James and John after the death of Christ. I wonder if Moroni was translated or if the Lamanites finally caught up with him and murdered him. I wonder if there are other translated beings from among the lost ten tribes after Christ ministered to them. (I wonder if their wives were also translated. Those would be some pretty amazing senior missions!)

I used to think that we would need little red wagons to convey our scriptures church after we get the records of the lost ten tribes. But I think that smartphones will probably take care of that problem.

Going to bed now.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

I'm a little crabby (PTSD remix)

Last week was weird and intense and expensive and mostly fun. I saw the podiatrist on Monday afternoon. I've been semiconsistent with my exercises, and not at all compliant about wearing shoes at home. But basically my foot feels much better.

On Tuesday, Middlest rode in with me, as we had eye appointments that afternoon. I left my phone in Diana and went down to get it. As I was putting the key back in my bag, I realized that my wallet was still on my bed at home. So we left at 2:30, got tangled up in traffic, fetched my wallet, got tangled up in more traffic, and called saying we were almost there but might be a few minutes late.

As it turned out, only one minute late when we pulled into the parking lot. Middlest's Rx is unchanged. My left eye is slightly less nearsighted. My right eye is significantly less nearsighted. I've been fitted for new specs but am postponing the purchase until October's SS check.

None of us (including Fourthborn) were up for Knit Night, so we went to our favorite sit down TexMex restaurant for dinner. Took Fourthborn home, drove back here, and basically collapsed.

Wednesday and Thursday were unremarkable except for the amount of money I spent. Friday we went to our friends' home for dinner. It was sprinkling here. It was raining moderately there. When we left, the sky had opened up. We were parked right by the stairs, and I was soaked to the skin before I got in the car. There were parts of the drive where we were going 35mph on a 70mph toll road, flashers going, and we were by far not the only ones.  Uncomfortable reminder of the rainstorm we endured along the Great Lakes two years ago. Scary!!!

Yesterday I'd hoped to stay in my jammies all day, but my Rx was ready, so out I went. Intermittent sprinkles and downpours. As I rounded one turn in the inside lane, a car in the middle lane sloshed by, and a lot of water hit my windshield suddenly. I couldn't see where the concrete median was. I couldn't see the light pole I'd been approaching. I braked hard and hoped for the best. Getting rear ended twice in a month was not my idea of a real good time. Thankfully, nothing happened, but I've been jittery ever since.

Ate a sensible breakfast before church and still fought sleep while sitting up on the stand. So I came home after sacrament meeting, had a snack, and slept for four hours.

The beading class I was looking forward to tomorrow afternoon has cancelled, because I'm the only one who signed up for it. The woman who was going to teach it will be working in the shop. I'm taking the time off as scheduled, picking out supplies that will complement my wardrobe, and picking the teacher's brain re: technique.

And now I'm going to try sleeping again.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Refi successful.

Got the confirmation today. They're overnighting the payout to Exorbitant Bank. Called my insurance agent and had them take the Tardis off as of last Thursday and update the loss payee to my credit union. Goodbye, multi-car discount. You were nice while you lasted.

In other news, my old roommate posted a picture of my 1998 chapbook to FB. She was cleaning things out, found it, and reread it. I'm glad she felt it had held up to time. I laughingly say that I've written the world's largest collection of pissed-off wife poetry. As well as (I think 300?) Mormon limericks.

I actually made it to Knit Night tonight. I've turned the heel on the baby sock and am ready to pick up stitches for the gussets. Before that, I hit the fabric store for a fresh supply of betweens and a handful of other items, including a needle threader with an LED light. How cool is that? I also bought small stacking boxes to organize my needles, pins, and various small tools. I'm tired of having to look in three or four unlabeled containers for what I need.

I suspect I'll be spending a good part of the weekend mucking out my studio, which looks like an explosion in a sweatshop.

On that happy note, I'll go to bed.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Because today I have no sense.

Which is not the same as nonsense. Or nunsense. Actually, it was another good day. Found a new home for my lawnmower. Tossed the weed whacker in, just to be rid of it. There is now about a playpen's worth of freed up floor space out in the garage.

Only the tiniest amount of knit happened. Four or five rows on the heel flap.

And you'd think I'd know by now not to shop for groceries when I'm hungry, but I was craving fresh fruit. I even bought a "personal" watermelon, roughly halfway in size between a large cantaloupe and a small bowling ball. Madness, I tell you. I went in for water and sodas. I came out with clam chowder and lobster bisque. And horseradish.

Guac it to me, baby!

Sunday, September 09, 2018

So, that was gross.

Woke up this morning with three digestive
distinct areas of discomfort. I've been spotting since Friday. Add to that, abdominal distress, most likely due to the verde sauce on yesterday's enchiladas. And my right ear, which has been intermittently plugged when I first arise for the past four to six weeks. It normally clears after I've been up for awhile and drunk my juice. It hasn't cleared all weekend.

So I went to church as usual, and my friend B said, "You're going home after sacrament meeting." It wasn't a question. Or an order. Just a clear observation from someone who knows and loves me.

I got a blessing after sacrament meeting, and then I came home and puttered online until the after hours clinic opened.

My right ear was plugged. She couldn't see my eardrum to know if it was infected. So the nurse dropped something liquid and magical into my ear, and I lay on my side for several minutes. Then she irrigated my ear, which turned into almost baptism by immersion. I looked like I'd been in a water fight! But the doctor got a good look in my ear, and I'm on amoxicillin for the next ten days.

I also got quite a bit of knitting done in the waiting room, exam room pre-water-fight, and at the pharmacy. I'm ready to work the heel flap, but the only knitting that's happening between now and bedtime is arranging the stitches on longer needles. I've managed to get through the day without a nap, and every cell is screaming for sleep. Well, except the eardrum. It's just mumbling gratefully.

Saturday, September 08, 2018

I kinda killed the laptop.

I can go online, but I've fried most of the letters on the bottom row. That happened earlier this week. As did getting rear ended on the way to work on Tuesday. I'm fine. Diana is in the shop, and I'm driving a sleek black Altima that I've named Black Widow.

Last weekend Middlest and I saw "The Bookshop" and loved it. It's not a happily ever after movie, but we both found the ending quite satisfying.

Today Secondborn and BittyBit (who is now nearly as tall as I am) saw it. They were less impressed. Maybe living with my bipolar child has skewed my sense of humor?

Have I mentioned that Littlebit and 5BDH are expecting? I'm picking up the tempo on baby socks. Plus there are two new families in the ward who are due about the same time.

I've been going a little nuts buying books for my shelves or my Kindle. I pre-ordered Bob Woodward's book on the current presidency. It should pop up midweek. Meanwhile, I am plowing through a history of the CIA. I blame Malcolm Gladwell.

Tola, you'll be pleased to know that I am finally in a position to support the local public radio station. Their fund drive ended last night, and I called them on the way home from work (buckets of rain; stuck in traffic) and gave them my widow's mite.

In other news, I'm rehabbing my left foot for plantar fasciitis. Got a shot (owie!) and am trying to remember to do my exercises.

1BDH sold the Tardis for me, so I've been having a little fun with the proceeds. Four new skeins of Manos del Uruguay for future projects. It's so much fun to reach over to the fallow side of the bed and pet the yarn.

Time for me to take evening meds, read my BOM, and call it a day.