About Me

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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Change of plans, quiet day

My original plan was to go to Dye Day, held at the home of a friend in the knitting group I used to attend before they moved the meetings to Monday nights. But it's been raining cats and dogs and little fishes for several weeks now, and yesterday morning we had another thunderstorm. There is flash flooding all around the Dallas Fort Worth region. I suddenly did not feel good about going, so I posted my regrets to the group's private Facebook page, and I stayed home and puttered.

I did not get out of my pajamas until mid-afternoon, when the sky had cleared sufficiently that I felt it was safe to go out and do my grocery shopping. Dropped off my old printer cartridges for refilling (a new service at Costco). Tanked Lorelai. Got a nap. Baked a little. Tidied up the living room.

In quilting news, I finished the central block of the medallion quilt before work on Friday morning and prewashed the fabrics for the next section. I cut out all the pieces yesterday, and before bedtime had a few of them sewn together. I may work on it some more after church today, but maybe not.

On Thursday morning I got a call from the AC dude, saying that his crew was ahead of schedule. Could they come that afternoon? I did some checking, let my team know of the change of schedule, and came home. The new unit is in, paid for, and blessedly quiet.

Woke up a little before three on Friday morning because of the storm, which had knocked out my power for a few seconds, thus cutting off my CPAP and forcing me to reset my clock and alarm. I functioned (barely) on approximately four and a half hours of sleep that day and was remarkably productive due to constant, fervent prayer. I've been playing catchup all weekend. Still tired, but getting better. I ate (mostly) sensibly yesterday and have begun the day well, although I've dozed off three times while typing this, which tells me that I need more protein, stat, if I want to make it to church and stay awake and functional all three hours. The swelling in my ankles is going down, but I can run my hands over the left one and feel the inflammation.

I've popped an Allerclear. What I need is to lie on my back for half an hour with my feet running up a wall to get the lymph moving properly. I've missed the gym the past two days, and I can definitely feel it. I won't go today, because it is the Sabbath, but unless it is raining cats and dogs and little fishes again at dark-thirty tomorrow, you can bet the rent (if you are the betting type) that I will be on the treadmill, jump-starting my lymphatic system.

I got six hours of sleep last night, which helped, but what I want to do right now is skip choir practice and go back to bed until the last possible moment. Instead I will make a ham and cheese sandwich and hope it doesn't mess too severely with my singing ability. And then I will go and do, like Nephi.

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