About Me

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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Checking myself for a pulse.

Whew! Stealing from myself this morning to say: The single adult conference is underway. Last night was the temple session. I saw three dozen variations on the theme of “beautiful” in the sisters' faces, in the session where I served. Got home a little before midnight and am taking the day off because I knew I’d be no earthly good to my attorney today. (You’ll notice I woke at the usual time, anyway.)

I thought I’d show you pictures from last Sunday’s dinner with Secondborn and her tribe. Here we have pancakes in progress, hobnobbing with some turkey sausage.

And here we have the world’s best pancakes. You’ll just have to trust me, as we ate the evidence.

Topped off with Honeycrisp apples sautéed in butter, with flecks of cinnamon and maybe a touch of nutmeg. Perfection.

OK, that’s it, y’all. I am going to be teaching some of my friends to knit, later this morning, but first I am taking a nap.


Bonnie said...

My pancakes are different every time I make them, but those truly were the world's best pancakes. I think the coconut oil made the difference.

AlisonH said...

Mind if I come over for a bite?