About Me

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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Not putting this on FB.

Got a call from LittleBit yesterday around 4:00pm. "I'm OK, but I don't want to leave you a message. Please call me back." So I did, from my cell phone.

She had a seizure on Sunday, so he took her to the hospital. She had another while there. They admitted her, because it was now a history rather than an episode. (She had a seizure in April and was sent home.)

EEG. MRI. Diagnosis? Seizure disorder, also known as epilepsy. She just turned 24 and will be on medication for the rest of her life. (We're not sure which one just yet.) No driving for six months. No public transportation in Arlington, but there is Handitran. No swimming solo. No strobe lights. And her monthly cycle may or may not trigger it. No sleep deprivation. She is a full time college student.

We are all glad that it was neither a stroke nor a tumor. I called the rest of the kids on my drive home. She spoke with her dad yesterday and told him she was in the hospital for tests. Whether he remembers this morning is anybody's guess. She is amenable to a blessing. My home teacher is out of town until Friday night, so I stopped at Wes and Sarah's and got one.

Picked up a pint of Chocolate Therapy and only ate a sensible portion before crashing a little before midnight. Slept like a rock. Still feeling a little shocky this morning but basically sane. Burning the last of my personal time this afternoon. Will nip into a conference room and snivel as needed throughout the day.

My. Poor. Kid.


Tola said...

Mike has had epilepsy since age 19. he is well-managed on Depakote (on generic and not expensive) and *thinks* his last "fit" was about 18 years ago. if youd like, you can call us or we can Skype or FaceTime and talk about it. it's not the Terrible Thing it used to be, especially now that with the ACA it cannot be considered a pre-existing condition anymore. feel free to edit this before posting, or to not post it at all. it will be okay. love you.

ruthsplace said...

Hugs to you and LittleBit.

AlisonH said...

Oh goodness, I'm sorry. *hugs*

Sherry said...

I will pray for both of you. It's comforting to read what Tola said, and good to know that treatments are available and effective….

Kristen said...

Add my thoughts and prayers to the others. Your last 3 words got me: my poor kid. One of mine is far away and just lost a long-awaited pregnancy at 12 weeks.