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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Keeping it simple, keeping it honest, keeping it real

One of my favorite no-brainer meals is a cup of Easy Mac with a nuked burger from Costco cut up into it. Sometimes Rarely, I'll stir in cooked broccoli. More often, it's a handful of sliced grape tomatoes. Today, while the macaroni cup was doing its thing in the microwave, I rinsed and sliced up the last of the grape tomatoes. I placed them in a ring around the burger while it heated through, and I sliced up two green onions and stirred them into the mac after adding the cheese. It made for a pretty and deeply satisfying lunch.

The Fitbit works well in one Costco that I patronize but not so much in the other. I am quite sure that I put in more than 150 steps while I was in there this morning. I'm also a little puzzled as to how I could have racked up 86 steps in my sleep. Oh well, as one of my professors 40+ years ago stated at the beginning of the semester, there are lies, d@mn lies, and statistics.

I've had a quiet, putter-y day so far. (I've begun this post at 3:30 in the afternoon.) Small breakfast. Two small, sensible snacks. And now lunch. Also two loads of laundry. Clean sheets on the bed, and about a third of my Gudrun and other delicates hanging to dry in the shower, now that I've had a shower of my own. I've done cleaning and maintenance on the CPAP. I've read several pages in an issue of The Economist. I'm ready to head back to my squeaky clean bed and listen to a General Conference address while knitting. I got most of the way through it yesterday morning, and when I got into Diana, my phone synced with the car, and my audio disappeared. I had neither the time nor the patience to figure out how to make that stop, so today I'm starting over.


Finishing this up at the time I would normally be going to bed, because I had such a great nap. (Dozed off while listening to a second General Conference address and took the hint.) Dinner tonight was a nuked potato topped with guacamole. I had read of it as an alternative to butter, sour cream, and salt. In terms of taste, it was great. I like my potatoes salty but not ridiculously so. The guacamole provided just enough seasoning to keep thing interesting. In terms of appearance, it was kind of gross. But I ate it anyway, and I will probably do so again. Cheap, fast, and easy, unlike me.

I finished the Zentangle that I've been noodling at for approximately a month. I'm nearly done with the issue of The Economist. The new issue arrived today. I love the cover, of England's new PM drawn suspiciously like our own president, riding atop a double-decker bus labeled "Make Britain Great Again" on a roller coaster track that dead-ends into space. And at least one person inside the bus is emulating "The Scream." [Andrea Over the Pond, I don't know what your politics are, so I hope this doesn't offend you.]

I need to go sort out next week's meds and make a little more progress in studying this week's New Testament lesson. There are so many people named in the Book of Acts, and so many places, that it's rather like trying to keep track of the characters in "War and Peace." I find that I'm liking and understanding Paul a little better, this time around. I have the prophets Mormon and Moroni to thank for that. Their writing styles are similar to Paul's, and the translation is vastly more recent and therefore comprehensible, at least to me.

It's been a great day. I feel physically rested, and refreshed in all of the other important ways. Be good, and remember Whose you are.

1 comment:

andrea said...

Third time trying to post a comment. My internet isn’t playing nicely. No offence taken. I always thought he was a buffoon who loved the limelight. He has been on more quiz shows than any other politician. We are all doomed.
Andrea (over the pond)