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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Thursday, June 23, 2022

And sometimes we catch more bronchitis???

I'm feeling rather as I did five months ago, except now I have an inhaler, and it's definitely helping. I'm also nuking chicken broth and popping Ricola, and I'm thinking that a trip to the after-hours clinic may be in order. And another blessing after church on Sunday.

Now for some comic relief: I worked remotely yesterday so that I could keep an appointment mid-day for a replacement drivers license. I proactively renewed it in March, and it was allegedly delivered before the calendar ticked over into April. I've been lugging around the receipt from that order in case I get pulled over. I carefully collected all of the supporting documents and showed up at the proper hour, only to be gently informed that my appointment is for September 22, not yesterday.

More comic relief: yesterday I accidentally knocked my glasses off their perch onto the floor behind a stack of plastic shoeboxes in my room. Thankfully, I have a spare pair that are good enough but not wonderful. I fired up the flashlight on my phone, moved a few boxes, and couldn't find the first pair. So after work I carefully disassembled my shoebox fort, found my glasses, and put the emergency pair back in their drawer.

Non-comic relief: yesterday was the 9th anniversary of my sealing to Beloved. He's been rather more on my mind of late. What a wonderful man, and I get to be with him ad infinitum but thankfully not ad nauseam.

I slept reasonably well last night, if insufficiently long. I'm working remotely again today in the interest of public safety as well as my own.

One last bit of good news: we have a date for Fourthborn's disability hearing. When I called their attorney's office to touch base yesterday, our contact said that Middlest's notice should arrive soon. The courts have finally opened up and are scheduling live hearings.

There's probably more, but I need to dock my laptop and start encouraging it to wake up. Maybe I'll finish waking up, myself, in the process.

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