About Me

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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Busy week.

I had a great birthday, notwithstanding a mixup with the cable company, who will be here on *Thursday*. Picked up my sewing machine from its maintenance. Got a massage yesterday. Went to the opera last night with Firstborn.

Have well over a thousand names on the family tree and nearly 5000 hints for them. Went to the temple on Friday night (what better way to spend my birthday?) and began the work for three women. Sealed two couples, and six children to their parents. At the library yesterday I reserved the work to seal the wives from those two couples to *their* parents. And I have most of the ducks lined up to seal Phebe to her parents.

I'm a little frustrated this morning because I discovered that two of my great uncles married sisters. And I'm afraid that if I enter the parents' information for the second sister from my phone, that I will create duplicate individuals, which is so easy to do. So that will have to wait until I'm at the library after work tomorrow. Whereas if the cable had been set up on Friday like I misunderstood it would be, I could just walk out into the living room and be done in a couple of clicks.

Aughhh! I'm going to eat breakfast and get ready for church.

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