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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Irony (n)

The experience of feeding [almost] the last of one’s quarters into dryers while watching the cloudburst in the parking lot outside the laundromat. I would have taken pictures of the rain dancing merrily sideways, the ripples and eddies in the water as it flowed north to the street, but I had just taken my tote and the camera out to the car not five minutes earlier.

I did catch a break when the dryers stopped. I shoved the dry stuff [none of which will require ironing] back into the laundry bag and mounded the still-damp stuff into the plastic hamper, where it resembled nothing so much as a 40 pound rectangular ice cream cone. And put all of that into a cart, which *just* fit under the eaves. Three quick dashes to the car in the finest of mist, and one last dash to take the cart back inside, and I was done!

It must have taken half an hour once I got home to hang all the shirts and five or six pairs of pants on hangers and suspend them from shower rods, towel racks, and sundry doorknobs. It’s a good thing that LittleBit won’t be home from backpacking until tomorrow night. Otherwise she might balk at how I have taken over her bathroom as well as my own.

I have an inch of ribbing and five rows of pattern on my first Monkey. On 000’s. Not really worth grabbing the camera for. Oh, how I wish that I’d had these needles when I was knitting Barbie clothes 45 years ago! I am rather enjoying working such tiny stitches; ask me again when I’m midway down the second sock!

The Nutella went backpacking, too. It must have. It's not on the counter, and I don't remember seeing an empty in the trash. I'll have to ask LittleBit the next time she checks in. But I suspect that the Nutella is traipsing about the mountains near Ruidoso, while her Nexium is languishing on the kitchen counter.

OK, so the Bill Bryson audiobook is history. I flew up off that couch, scattering yarn and needles, at hearing the F-bomb dropped twice in quick succession. I am *so* disappointed. I have a couple of his other books, and I don't remember language like that. Yes, he was quoting somebody, but really...

Frankenstein it is. Mary Shelley may or may not have known those words, but I'd bet the rent I won't see any of them in print! I listened to the first CD on Sunday night but was too tired after doing laundry last night to sit and knit. Some people have Frankenberries for breakfast; I'm going for a second course of the original.


Tan said...

Irony? Or Ironying? That is the question.

So remind me why you are knitting your Monkey on 000 needles? Is it a mini-Monkey? Are you using Shetland cobweb? I must have missed something.

Lynn said...

I don't think you missed a thing, ma'am. I am knitting Monkey because I was a little bored with the plain toe-up sock I was knitting, which started out just fine in terms of gauge but was distinctly "airy" by the time I reached the heel. This yarn is a little finer grist than Cherry Tree Hill or Claudia or Jitterbug. I am using 000's because my knitting is as loose as my personal life is *not*. I probably need 00's, but I preferred to err on the side of caution.