About Me

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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Sunday, September 09, 2018

So, that was gross.

Woke up this morning with three digestive
distinct areas of discomfort. I've been spotting since Friday. Add to that, abdominal distress, most likely due to the verde sauce on yesterday's enchiladas. And my right ear, which has been intermittently plugged when I first arise for the past four to six weeks. It normally clears after I've been up for awhile and drunk my juice. It hasn't cleared all weekend.

So I went to church as usual, and my friend B said, "You're going home after sacrament meeting." It wasn't a question. Or an order. Just a clear observation from someone who knows and loves me.

I got a blessing after sacrament meeting, and then I came home and puttered online until the after hours clinic opened.

My right ear was plugged. She couldn't see my eardrum to know if it was infected. So the nurse dropped something liquid and magical into my ear, and I lay on my side for several minutes. Then she irrigated my ear, which turned into almost baptism by immersion. I looked like I'd been in a water fight! But the doctor got a good look in my ear, and I'm on amoxicillin for the next ten days.

I also got quite a bit of knitting done in the waiting room, exam room pre-water-fight, and at the pharmacy. I'm ready to work the heel flap, but the only knitting that's happening between now and bedtime is arranging the stitches on longer needles. I've managed to get through the day without a nap, and every cell is screaming for sleep. Well, except the eardrum. It's just mumbling gratefully.

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