About Me

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Ten years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

My computer is home!

They fired it up for me, and it was so great to see the picture of Beloved and me taken outside the temple after his eldest son's sealing (my wallpaper).

I've pretty much noodled away the evening, messing about on my phone. I was listening to a chapter in 3 Nephi when I got distracted trying to figure out how many people have been translated without tasting death. Moses. Elijah. Elisha. Alma. John the Beloved. The three Nephites. I wonder if there are others from the Old Testament, or if the priesthood keys which they held were transmitted to Peter, James and John after the death of Christ. I wonder if Moroni was translated or if the Lamanites finally caught up with him and murdered him. I wonder if there are other translated beings from among the lost ten tribes after Christ ministered to them. (I wonder if their wives were also translated. Those would be some pretty amazing senior missions!)

I used to think that we would need little red wagons to convey our scriptures church after we get the records of the lost ten tribes. But I think that smartphones will probably take care of that problem.

Going to bed now.

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