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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

I'm almost caught up.

After months of struggling with my workflow at the office, I am suddenly and inexplicably* and most gratefully almost caught up. It's both wonderful and a little unnerving.

I'm getting a little fed up with the good vicar in Grantchester. I can understand the crisis of faith, the difficulty of having to choose between the woman he loves but didn't have sense enough to propose to before she married someone else, and now can't marry because a vicar can't marry a divorced woman. Which I think is absolutely stupid, but we're talking about the 50's and a very conservative church, and I think it was the same for bishops in my Church until recently. Maybe still is; I couldn't say for sure, but Beloved married a twice-divorced me after having served as a branch president (like a bishop for a small congregation) when he was married to his first, late, Beloved.

Anyway. He smokes too much (the vicar, not Beloved) and he drinks too much, and as three of his friends have told him, he has a bad habit of disappearing when they need him the most. And he has a serious weakness for pretty women. I don't think he quite gets the meaning of repentance. If you repent, then you don't keep doing the same damn thing over and over again and whining about how badly you feel about what you've done. (Yes, the Lord understands that we are fallible, and sometimes we do do the same damn thing over and over again until the repentance sticks. As I've said many a time, direction is more important than speed.)

*Inexplicably. I think what it might be, is that after a lapse of three or four months in which my gospel study and my Book of Mormon reading just petered away in favor of reading political opinions and praying that the election would turn out the way that I wanted, I have a visual, organized system to keep myself on track. I am midway through week four, and every day it's easier to stay awake at the keyboard, and I'm less distracted (at work, if not in reading Church stuff, but I'm not tumping over sideways in mid-read nearly as often)

My W-2s arrived in the mail today. Maybe I can get my tax return knocked out on Saturday?

The phone battery is down to 20%. I'd estimate my personal battery at about 12%. Time to plug the phone into the charger and Ms. Ravelled into the CPAP. Night, y'all.

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