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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Thursday, February 04, 2021

Hand sanitizer is the devil.

It burns us, precious. I will not show you a picture of my crabby, crinkly, exceedingly clean hands. Today it was my turn to go into the office (!!!) and deal with the paperwork that has crept, strolled, and/or flooded in, for my one-and-a-half dockets, while we have all been working from home. SemperFi has been mucking out the mail cubby any time he's needed to go into the office. Office Manager said during last week's quarantine check-in that my desk was buried. She was not wrong, but because it was SemperFi doing the burying, there were half a dozen or so neat stacks, all between four and six inches tall.

First item of business: print off my list of closed files. Second item of business: file as many documents as possible, either into their respective red ropes or into an A-Z sorter. Mystery documents into a small pile of their own, for further investigation. Then start pulling red ropes for closed files and chucking their contents into the top basket of a double-decker rolling cart. I decommissioned 44 files today and emptied 11 or so trial notebooks. This required two big trips to the shredder bins and a few quick dashes with handfuls of paper after I'd figured out the mystery documents.

My desk is now as orderly as SemperFi's. The A-Z sorter is filled with neatly clipped bundles of documents for open cases which were opened after mid-March. They do not have red ropes at this time, except for a couple where there were massive amounts of stuff, so I struck out the names on the labels and wrote in new ones. That'll do, pig, that'll do.

Dinner the First was two of the simplest cheese quesadillas: flour tortillas, folded in half around grated cheese, then nuked. Dinner the Second was a couple of hours later: really good oatmeal, nuked with dried cranberries and a fat spoonful of nut butter. Dessert has been a tallish mug of Mexican hot cocoa with a spritz of whipped cream. I am ready to brush my teeth, take my meds, and go to sleep.

I started reading my new annotated Persuasion. I do not have the brainpower for it until I get some sleep. Re-reading part of a chapter I'd read earlier this week, this time with footnotes, made me feel as if I were having a deep philosophical discussion with Hugh Nibley, whom the children's father and I fondly referred to as Brother Footnote.

I did manage to wash one load of laundry and get it into the dryer. And I am finished with adulting for the day.

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