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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Why I like dolls with elfy ears

We figured it out at Knit Night last night. We talk about all sorts of stuff: TV shows we watch [in my case none, as the TV is still not plugged in], which led to the discussion of a new one that William Shatner is in, and how much most of us had liked Captain Kirk, while I was always more enamored of this guy.

Imprinted as a teenager, I was.

I read with some comfort, another blogger’s struggle with forgiveness. Maybe we are doing a better job with the rising generation, because my children seem to be more skilled at it, notwithstanding my checkered example. Or maybe the issue I am struggling with (Man, Behaving Badly) is simply a non-issue with them because of the generally lowered level of civility from when I was their age. Maybe it seems as quaint to them as June Cleaver, vacuuming in pearls.

But the women of my generation, and a little younger? To a woman, the reaction is smite first, forgive the remains. So I am actually ahead of the curve, a little, because I have gotten past the point where I think it would be a great idea if all the women he has treated thus were to line up with cream pies and apply them to his face.

There would be a sudden, and marked, pie shortage in North Texas. People would stand, perplexed, in bakery departments from here to San Antonio as hordes of middle-aged women marched triumphantly toward the checkout lines. Strong men would weep at having to settle for a cold-storage apple and a slice of cheese for dessert. Toddlers would wail, “But I ate all my broccoli!”

Do you see how good I am being? At great personal sacrifice?

Thank you. That’s all I wanted to hear.


Jenni said...

Mostly I just figure that men are such crap that it isn't even worth putting the energy into them. There are one or two exceptions.

Lynn said...

Holy cow, Brother Abacus notwithstanding, I still think I must like men-as-a-whole better than you do. [Certainly better than I did the first five years after I divorced your father, LOL.]

Bonnie said...

I remember when I used to bring dates home and the two of you would be in the middle of an "I hate men" rant. I had several early dating relationships terminate after the guy witnessed the anti-men vibe in our house. But I'm pretty sure I was better off, even though I didn't share the same sentiments.

Jenni said...

I don't hate them, I just thnk as a whole they are fairly stupid and rather worthless. I do think that those who try to be good priesthood holders are usually the ones with some semblance of redemption.