About Me

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Ten years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Quick! Slip me another day!

Preferably before 7:00am. I have thoroughly enjoyed my weekend of unaccustomed social-butterfly-ness. Had an unexpected and utterly delightful dinner invitation last night. Made a pan of brownies. We had pork chops simmered in apple juice with apples, alongside fresh homemade pasta. So good! I stayed for family scripture study and family prayer.

Made a new friend, the husband's aunt. We clicked immediately. She is a younger widow, having lost her husband in April. They have twin daughters, age 12.

I came home and ran a load of laundry. In a minute I will start another. I made great memories this weekend. My heart loves that. And my inner list-maker is twitching because of all of the stuff that didn't get done. (My inner list-maker can go sit in the corner. But that doesn't change the fact that I have about six hours' worth of things I would like to check off the list before I leave for work in a little over an hour.)

I am going to choose to dwell on what I was able to accomplish this weekend. And I am going to politely but firmly tell that minuscule part of me which fears judgment by others, and which is blessedly silent 362 days of the year, to stuff a sock in it. (I have plenty of clean ones!)

The appraiser will be here this afternoon. The appraiser is here to measure my house and not to judge my worthiness as a human being.

Ten minutes will get all the clean laundry hung up, and then the empty hampers can go out to the truck. A full bag of freshly laundered spare bedding is also waiting by the front door.

Fear? Thbppp! Take that!!!

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