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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Tuesday, September 05, 2017

In which your intrepid heroine recognizes that she needs some help.

And even admits it. Last week I only worked two and a half days. So while I made a bit of progress today on various fronts, I did not accomplish enough to feel truly productive. We don't generally have the opportunity to work overtime, but while we are short-handed and the four people who have been promoted are growing into their new responsibilities (and one of our staff is going out on medical leave), there are opportunities for overtime as well as overwork.

I'm going in tomorrow at 7:00, and I may stay late as well. An hour and a half before the phones start ringing is prime time for things that require deep focus and attention to detail. I'm hoping to be caught up by the end of the day tomorrow, but if not I will rinse and repeat on Thursday.

I went to Knit Night briefly, left early enough to pick up my prescription and tank the Tardis, and now that I'm home have jam-packed my lunch bag with enough meals and snacks to get me through the day and into the evening if need be. I'm enjoying a few spoonfuls of mango passion fruit sorbet to round off my day, and then I will pick out tomorrow's outfit, take my meds, and see how quickly I can fall asleep. I think this will be a night for lavender oil on my temples.

In knitting news, I got three-fourths of the way around the armscye, and those last few stitches can jolly well wait until tomorrow or whenever I get around to them.

Night, y'all.

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