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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Mutterings and Musings

Stuff I thought about yesterday:

1) Spit-splicing. I learned several months ago that it doesn’t work well with superwash sock yarn. All it did was make me go ptah! ptah! ptah! until I got the fuzzies off my tongue. It works very well with the KnitPicks Shadow that I am using for MS3. There are three and a half stitches that are a little fatter and a little less flexible than their neighbors, and maybe next time I won’t rub the ends together *quite* so enthusiastically, but there is no way on this good green earth that those ends are coming asunder. They are together until Moth Do Us Part.

2. Scary plaintiffs. We had one in the office recently. And our attorney found a way to tell me, discreetly, to not let him follow anybody around in the office, because he had a rap sheet as long as the Amazon. It’s unnerving to smile brightly at a person who walks into the office and see deadness in his eyes. Thankfully, I had dark chocolate in my drawer; there was some major chocolate abuse at my desk after he left the office.

3. What I wanted to accomplish at the old place after work yesterday. I had hoped to get the floor mopped, which didn’t happen, but I did get it swept and the mirrors polished. And the last of the nails pulled in the dining room, and two boxes filled with artwork, and the last of the stuff out of the bathroom, and a bunch of expired cosmetics and skin care products taken out to the kitchen, for when I put a fresh bag into the trash bin.

LittleBit called to be picked up when I was talking with the friend who was planning to come over and help pack; LittleBit wondered if we could get her hair cut. So the friend and I have rescheduled. And when we got to the shop, my favorite Edwina Scissorhands was on duty. I had one more slot to fill on my card before I could score a free haircut. She’s on duty again on Saturday, and it will be *my* turn. Gratis, except for her tip.

4. Male behavior. Not the spooky, lurky criminal sort, but what most of us would call normal adult male behavior. [You there in the back: stop snickering!] I’ve been a student of it for over half a century, and every day there is something new to consider, or something old to ponder.

To wit:
a. Nice guy who visited enthusiastically without flirting, in the elevator on the ride down last night. That was fun.
b. Creepy guy who ogled me and smiled *twice* while I was sitting in the drive-through waiting for my dinner. I could have given birth to him. Not flattering, sorry.
c. Patrician gentleman who smiles at me like I am a Renaissance Madonna. I would seriously consider dating him, if he were to ask, even though he is almost certainly not of my faith, because his manners are impeccable, he radiates quiet intelligence, and he has kind eyes.
d. LittleBit’s co-worker who seems like Eddie Haskell. I do not care how nice he is to me; he is not dating my daughter. [She would not date him, anyway, because he smokes.]
e. How I don’t mind being noticed by men who are, say 45-65.
f. How I am invisible to most Anglo men under 70.
g. Why I think Latino men are so intriguing but would be hesitant to deal with the cultural differences.
h. Why it is not flattering to be looked at “that way” by somebody I could have given birth to. See creepy guy in drive-through, above.
i. Why I prefer that above-mentioned Bad Boy Co-worker not address me by my first name, and how on earth to tell him without appearing to have a sequoia up my tush.

5. Other random stuff, which I of course cannot remember this morning, having slept since then.

More progress on MS3 yesterday, above and beyond the spit-splicing. Another 50 rows or so, and I get to start fledging [fletching?] working on the wing.

We leave in about 15 minutes for early morning seminary. LittleBit loves her haircut, and I am also quite pleased with it. Her lovely eyes are just that much more noticeable with a tailored, grownup cut. Which is probably why my own dear mother hated long straight hair on me when I was this age. Remind me to ask her when I get on the other side.

We also get to play at the dentist this morning. Just cleanings, and then I drop LittleBit at school and scurry on in to work. Lots of extra knitting time today, from which I hope to wring every drop of joy that is humanly possible! After seminary and before the dentist, we will go over to the old place and see how many boxes we can pack, individually and collectively.


Raesha D said...

HI!!! I'm so SLOW in responding to my comments these days...Tola is awesome and I'm glad she shared the link to my blog over at My Love with you:) I'm in the legal field too - I've been a paralegal for almost 10 years. My specialty is family law and I do a lot of estate planning and probate too. I love it:)

Tola said...

oh im glad you and raesha connected. i like her a LOT!