About Me

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Ten years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Quick Post

Please read this one all the way through to the end. [Grab your Puffs, first.] He captures some of my frustrations about Mother’s Day as an institution. He also captures some of what it feels like to be a mother, at least for me.

The only dream I had, as a little girl, was to be a mommy. Which I most definitely am. So I have not given up any of my dreams, in order to become one. I gave up my figure, my time, my sleep, my privacy, and other supposed necessities, in order to have these experiences. And I am so thankful!

The great gaping chunks of sanity that I have yielded up at one time or another, are less from dealing with the children (though there were moments!) than from dealing with their father, and with my own shortcomings. Probably, mostly, the latter.

This is an article which explains spiritual cause and effect more clearly than many I have read.

One more thing for me to feel guilty about. But it’s an excellent article.

I woke up about 6:00 this morning when the power failed, and my CPAP shut off. So I Brailled my way to the bathroom, where I retrieved my swimsuit, towel, soccer slides, reading material, hand towel, lock and key, club pass, Nystatin, shower puff, and shower cap. Then I Brailled some more and put on my exercise clothing and my shoes. Then I grabbed my phone, my planner, and my keys. Last, I grabbed the list of people I needed to call for an event that some of the ward members will be attending this afternoon.

I worked out (no swimming today), including the circuit equivalent of the bunny slopes. Met BestFriend at Ol’ South for breakfast, where I undid a week’s worth of discipline by having the eggs Benedict. Then we went to the Amon Carter Museum to soak up a little culture.

I came home to a properly cooled house, unspoiled milk, and internet. And I have time for a quick nap before the Next Thing on the List. The lights are on, and I am home!

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