About Me

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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Friday, February 14, 2014

I'd like to figure out...

...why my ankles get so unhappy when I'm in the temple. I don't know if it's dinner in the cafeteria beforehand, or sitting quietly for a couple of hours. The swelling went down overnight, but in the hour I've been awake they have blown up again. Not fun.

I've had a good week at work. Another great session in the temple last night. Am still crazy about Valentines Day. I meant to pass out my valentines after everyone else had left last night, but I was too excited about going to the temple, and it slipped my mind.

I could use a two hour nap in the next 15 minutes. I woke an hour ahead of the alarm again. And I feel mostly great, although I wouldn't mind exchanging my ankles for what's behind Door Number Three.

Going to my friend Jody's tonight for fondue and friendship. My contribution, two bags of marshmallows, is already out  on the front seat of the car. Along with the knitting project that I didn't want to risk moving.

This is a day for my reddest red T-shirt and my rock star pants. I wish I still had my red metal filigree heart earrings. They were inexpensive but so much fun.

Valentines Day? Bring it on!

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