About Me

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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Learning to communicate with the banjo.

Got up around the usual time and went to the gym. Fifteen minutes on the recumbent bike, followed by half an hour of walking around Wally World, trying to find sweatpants in my size. No luck there, but I came home with a new pair of jeans for work and a pair of purple slacks.

I need to leave again in an hour. Driving to Arlington to meet Firstborn for a funeral, then picking up Fourthborn for quilt club. My block exists only in my head, so I will be paying for the next kit.

I am having dinner tonight with some of the local widows and widowers.

Banjo practice last night went reasonably well. I am starting to remember approximately where to put my fingers for D7 and C chords. One or two of the rolls are relatively easy. My teacher told me not to get too dependent on the tablature. I told him my preferred method of playing the piano is to use the sheet music to learn what it's supposed to sound like, and to build muscle memory as quickly as possible. I'm not worried about speed at this point. I just want to make the notes correctly and smooth out the transitions.

Time just dissolves when I'm practicing.

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