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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

I want to write. Really.

But Monday night and tonight I came home, ate dinner, and worked on The Albatross until I needed to take a reading break. I stayed up much too late, several nights last week, and I'm trying to be sensible about bedtimes this week.

So you will just have to trust me when I say that much hilarity happened on the way back to Fourthborn's from Knit Night, and I had her transcribe notes for me into Evernote, where one day (sooner, I hope, than later) they will rise up out of my forehead like Athena and land themselves smack in the middle of a blog post.

I'm trying to find/feel balance, to move from one good thing to the next. While I worked on The Albatross tonight, I listened to the seven chapters from the Book of Mormon which are the basis for this coming Sunday School lesson. I will want to read them again, and study from the lesson manual, but at least they've made a first pass in one ear and out the other, sticking around long enough to give me plenty to ponder as I fall asleep tonight.

That thing where I got honored at work for third quarter? I was chosen as the overall poohbah for 2015, and there is a small honorarium which will show up in my bank account sometime next week. And I've submitted my expense report for the refreshment prize for the fourth quarter winner. That will show up around the same time. I'm still waiting semi-patiently (you can stop laughing, right now!) for my W-2 and the Obamacare whatsit form to show up so I may file my taxes and cross a few honey-do's off my list.

OK, y'all, I'm done for tonight. I've been helping Percy Jackson try to figure out how he stumbled into the Roman camp, and I'm nearly as tired as he is. You're on your own.

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