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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Waiting for the pizza to bake.

I got another sleep-killing nap this evening, and I woke up ravenous from a dream which morphed from general weirdness to a movie to a Broadway show, where I was suddenly the anti-hero and about to give birth.

I don't think I can blame that on lunch, which was relatively normal.

Brother Paul stopped eating my lunch and started kicking my derriere last week. Thankfully, I was able to purchase the last local hardcover copy of the new translation of the New Testament after work on Wednesday, and I am so impressed with it. My two-part study has morphed into a three-part study. Read the chapter in my phone app (KJV). Write in my study journal what, if anything, makes sense to me. Read the chapter again from the Chronological Bible. More notes. Dive into the new translation. And the angels sing! Roughly the lower third to lower half of each page is comprised of footnotes, which give alternative translations, explain the cultural significance, give the modern equivalents of the Latin or Greek names of various places where Paul had served and established churches.

It is very, very cool, and an excellent investment of both money and time. Last week we studied the last ten chapters in Romans. It was exhausting. I had to take mini-breaks between most chapters, either for appropriately diabetic-scale carb-loading to refuel my weary brain, or to read something else or play a quick game on my phone. I was basically studying those last seven chapters All Day Long yesterday (although Fourthborn and I did pop out long enough so she could have an eye exam and come home with a week's trial of daily contact lenses). And when I finished, I was too tired to draw, although I did pull up a novel on my Kindle and read the first few pages. It's been months and months since I've read fiction. I read a smidgen more today.

Pizza is done. I am hoping for a couple of hours of quiet creativity and then back to bed. This week's reading is 1 Corinthians, which is only(?) seven chapters instead of ten. Wish me luck.

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