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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Thursday, March 03, 2022

Currently reading Manga Classic: Sense and Sensibility

The art is quirky and charming. The story line hews fairly close to the actual plot. I only remember one major blooper fairly early on, when Fanny Bennet refers to the girls' mother as her husband's mother-in-law rather than as his step-mother. (I love the French phrase: belle mere, which neatly skewers the idea that all step-mothers are wicked. It's also the phrase for mother-in-law, with presumably the same result. Hrm, I wonder if there are mother-in-law jokes in French, or if that's a uniquely American idea?)  At any rate, I'm roughly one-third of the way through, and I might read more tonight, or I may default to something quick and entertaining from one of my streaming services.

Right now there's a sweet potato baking in the oven. I went to Sprouts after work and bought one banana and one apple and one sweet potato and a package of three raspberry croissants for our breakfast tomorrow, plus blackberries and blueberries, the latter of which are in a Ziploc bag, spaced out as neatly as I could manage, in the freezer.

I had an amazing day at work. My To-Do's are within one or two of being completely caught up. And the record-related email inbox is also under control. We are *not* having a team meeting tomorrow, huzzah, which means I have a decent shot of having my desk under control by the end of the day.

I just checked my baked sweet after an hour and fifteen minutes, and it appeared utterly unfazed, so I'm leaving it in for another half hour and will take it for lunch tomorrow. Looks like dinner tonight will be a bowl of oatmeal with lots of blackberries.

Later, gators. Body wants fuel, and Brain wants entertainment.

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