About Me

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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Details and Revisits

I noodled around with a picot bind-off and tinked it after three repeats. http://nonaknits.typepad.com/nonaknits/2005/09/picot_cast_on.html

I found this crocheted bind-off online, late at night, and didn't have the wit to copy the source. It's graceful, flexible, and extremely kind to my ankles. If one of you knows the source, please send it to me and I'll update. [I did another search and came up empty.]

These are the stitch markers I made to coordinate with the socks:

This is the start of BittyBit's matching socks. I measured her dear little fat feet today: 6" ball of foot, 7-1/2" about an inch above the ankle, and 5" from heel to toe. Since the circumference of her feet is roughly 2/3 of mine, I began with the Figure 8 Cast-on, eight sts per needle just like my socks, and only increased to 32 sts total.

Sweet are the uses of the high chair! I tried this on her while she was eating a snack in captivity. Perfection! I added another 20 rounds or so at Knit Night tonight and will cast on her other sock in the morning.

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