About Me

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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Brownies are baked

I grabbed a box full of some of the Shetland-and-wool that I bought from Brother Stilts before he moved. And some of my spare needles, inherited from Secondborn when she realized that BittyBit was a bitty bit too [demanding is not quite the word I am looking for] for her to pick up a new hobby that is supposed to be relaxing, but often is not, at least for a new knitter.

I have a nice outfit assembled to wear to work and then to the singles activity this evening. The skirt that not-coincidentally goes with the Stripedy Stockings, so I can pull out the completed sock and show that it is possible to match your hand-knitted socks with your ensemble.

And I have hopes that at least one of the Brothers Nice will be there tonight. And maybe even Brother Sushi, to mock me ever so gently as I *[knit and flirt] repeat from * until done.

Maybe I should rethink taking another bowl of soup for lunch today. Maybe I should just have peanut butter and crackers, as giving fewer opportunities to trash my ensemble?


blah said...

Good luck on the singles night tonight!! Sounds like fun!! And I know I'm a bit behind the times - but is that a new header I see there! Looks great :-)

Jerry said...

You seem to be a thrill seeker. I hope you chose the soup. :) My after work activity was canceled for tonight so I get to spend the evening snuggling with my bride. Enjoy the dancing and hope you dance more than you knit tonight.