About Me

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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday. Huzzah!

All in all, a great week almost put to bed. If I have the kind of day at work that I’ve had recently, all of my to-do’s will get to-did (or to-done, if you’re not from Texas) and I will finish filing the rest of my emails, inbound and sent.

On Wednesday, that’s what I did all day. I whittled 90+ emails down to less than 20, with another 30 saved or deleted from my outbox. It’s a lot more complicated than you would think. If I get, say, an email from our court reporter with an e-tran and exhibits, each of those has to be saved (the e-tran three separate ways, including a zip file), as well as the email transmitting it all. On Wednesday I filed emails from three depositions, all of which had multiple exhibits. One of those depositions involved nine or ten emails and 16 exhibits, or something like 50+ individual steps.

Today I have one report to type for Attorney B, some dates to calendar on an item from Wednesday’s mail, and then I want to double-check myself on scheduling orders that I’ve calendared since we moved to the new system. I want to make sure that I have cross-noticed everybody. And so, about once a quarter, I do this, and I rarely find a slip-up.

I had my performance review on Wednesday, and it went far better than I’d expected, given the come-to-office-manager meeting a few days earlier. I was given two specific items to work on, both of which are eminently do-able.

And in the meantime, my desktop is looking far more like it used to. I like that.

We finally received credit for the one and only duplicate wedding gift. I hate sending things back. But this was something we really, truly needed only one of.

The temple was wonderful, as usual, and I came home flat wore-out. One of the brethren held the door open for me as I headed for my car and asked, “Going home?”

“Gee, I hope so!” And grinned wearily at him.

Beloved and I had talked about using one of our restaurant gift cards for dinner tonight, meeting there in two cars right after work to beat the crowds. But I ate too much salt yesterday, and my legs are still feeling a little inflamed, and the left ankle is puffy. Not a lot, but enough that I notice it. So I will come home, and we will cook dinner and crash early. Tomorrow we go to a little town between here and Oklahoma that has great antique shops and what is reputedly a good yarn store.

I have promised Beloved that no new furniture will come home with us until we have the house arranged the way we like it, with the stuff we already have. I told him I was making no such promise about yarn. We are doing a day trip with Mel and Squishy, and she says the yarn store is incredible, basically mill ends and close-outs, some junk yarn but mostly good stuff. I would like to get enough to knit pillow fronts for two of the inserts we got as wedding gifts, since the cabled ones at Pottery Barn that I put onto our registry, sold out early for Christmas. [Yes, they were red. You had to ask?] I put them on the registry more as inspiration than anything else, because I can design cooler cables and have the fun of knitting them up..

Second baby sock (to go into the gift drawer) is approaching completion. I will very likely finish it at church on Sunday, if not before.

Lorelai’s all fixed. I am having to wire a ginormous sum from my line of credit into my regular account and will also have them send enough to throw onto one of Beloved’s credit cards in preparation for paying it off. I remind myself that, dividing what I am going to give the mechanic by six (I have had Lorelai for six years this month) yields a sum that is far less painful. And if I had been able to maintain her the way I suspect that most folks maintain their cars, I would not have had to pay for all this at once. It would have been in smaller bites, spaced out over several years. But this should function as a facelift, tummy tuck, and liposuction. I am hoping that it gives her another five-plus years of useful life. And I am now in a position to do all the scheduled maintenance, because I live in a house with two incomes.

Boggles. The. Mind.

This paycheck got hit for retroactive premiums for Beloved’s health insurance, so it’s not exactly pretty. But the only bill I needed to pay was my cell phone, and we do not need a Costco run this time around. Just fresh fruits and veggies, eggs, and milk or milk substitutes. Which reminds me that I have half a gallon of dark chocolate almond milk in the outside fridge.

I got the button sewn on Beloved’s shorts, and the fleece liner reattached to the inside of the watch cap belonging to the good brother who drives him down for chemo every other Thursday. I moved another bookcase into my studio yesterday before breakfast. And now I am going to sluice off and wolf down a bowl of raisin bran and boogie on out the door.

I hope to have all sorts of adventures to share with you after our day trip tomorrow. Still no pictures, as I have yet to find my charger for the camera’s batteries.

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