About Me

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Ten years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Another day with no knitting.

But I have clean, happy teeth, a better understanding of my financial situation, and three small tasks to accomplish today, in between my responsibilities at work.

Middlest and I grabbed dinner at In N Out after I got home, and then we watched Brave together.

I am feeling less foggy, thanks in part to another good night’s sleep. I actually slept until the alarm went off. That hasn’t happened in weeks, or so it feels.

I have a Primary presidency meeting tonight. And a sudden craving for blueberry muffins (with a mix out in the kitchen, and more blueberries in the freezer).

I’m trying to eat a balanced and reasonably sensible diet. There has been far less emotional eating in the past week. Consequently, my rings are a little looser this morning, but not so loose as to be annoying. I don’t like it when they slip and slide. Same for my watch, when I wear one. Drives me nuts (and as Mom would have said, not a drive, more like a short putt) to have the face of my watch resting on my wrist bone, or slipped around to the inside of my wrist, or the stone on my engagement ring turned so as to dig into the next finger.

It is very nice to have Middlest here when I come home.

Muffins. I still have time to bake the muffins, if I start now.


AlisonH said...

It is so good to have an adult child around.

Bonnie said...

Yes, I'm sure it's much more fun having us around as adults than it ever was for you when we were children. :P