About Me

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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Finished project goes *here*.

Or it would, if snapping the picture hadn't taken the last bit of enthusiasm from my phone. If you could see what I see, you would see two white rectangular plates to the left of my "smiling Savior" picture, and hanging between them is a shadowbox holding a tile that one of the RS teachers made to illustrate a lesson before she was called into the presidency. And they all look great, and I'll try to remember to show you when my phone isn't sulking.

The other major accomplishment tonight is that I browned a pound of hamburger and added taco seasoning. Middlest added a portion to the leftover chicken and rice. I added a portion to a cup of easy mac, and there was just enough left for me to take to work tomorrow with another container of easy mac.

I closed another case for SemperFi. I didn't knit a stitch all day. I managed to keep my energy level more or less constant. I caught an oversight on a case that we're closing for The Kid (I can't think of anything more clever to call him) before it blew up in our faces. (The Spirit gets credit for that one.) I didn't say anything snarky to the two 30-somethings who were dissing their husbands at lunch. Maybe that was yesterday. "At least yours are mortal and here for you to fight with," would be a real conversation stopper.

The weirdness of my dreams is decreasing slightly. I don't know if they're related to one of my medicines or if I'm picking up ambient anxiety from coworkers or family. Heaven knows I have enough of my own stuff to wrangle. (Hello, Lexapro?)

It's interesting to read the reports that SemperFi sends to claims on a periodic basis and to recognize the names of the medicines that some of the plaintiffs are on.  Ooh, I take that. Middlest takes that, and that, and that one no longer because side effects. I'm thankful to only take three, and at very low doses, and that they work for me.

Speaking of which, I should have taken mine nine minutes ago. Later, gators.

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