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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Knit Night, Trunk or Treat, and precious little sleep.

We went to a new-to-us Mexican restaurant last night. I loved the food. I loved the conversation. I loved that both Middlest and Fourthborn had enough spoons to be there. And it made for a very late night, with no knitting because I was so busy talking and listening. We left the restaurant at 9:00, took Fourthborn home, came home by way of the grocery store so that we would have candy for Trunk or Treat tonight. It was nearly midnight when I crashed.

Middlest had a rough night of it. Awoke with an anaphylactic reaction, possibly to the cilantro in the salsa. I'll spare you the details, but I was awakened around 4:00am by my kid violently coughing in the bathroom and struggling to breathe. Multiple carefully spaced doses of Benadryl, the inhaler, and ibuprofen gradually restored some semblance of order. I was able to get back to sleep before the alarm went off at 6:00. Middlest finally felt well enough to fall asleep after I left for work an hour later, and slept through most of the day.

We took two large bags of candy to Trunk or Treat after work tonight, and we passed it all out in roughly half an hour then came home. I've been reading Facebook, eating (too much) ice cream, and tidying my inbox.

Middlest is feeling well enough to try eating the entree from last night, and I am taking my meds and going to bed. Night, y'all.

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