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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Two out of three.

Fourthborn is feeling significantly better. I had a ginormous nap this afternoon and am feeling somewhat more rested. Middlest is in the batcave with a migraine.

In knitting news, I've completed the slit in the side panel of Justice's vest. I'm going to tink back a couple of rows and move the last of those central decreases down a smidgen, and then it's a smooth canter to the hem.

I've deliberately kept this day simple. Quarterly diabetes check plus flu shot (in one arm and out the other), breakfast, elevenses, nap, light dinner, and knitting.

I finished The Book of Mormon on Sunday. Yesterday was rather chaotic, and I forgot. This morning I started over with 1 Nephi Chapter 1 on the way to my appointment, realized that my mind kept jumping to mundane things, and listened again, more carefully, on the drive home. For the first time it occurred to me to wonder if the angel who brought the record for Father Lehi to read, might have been Moroni, and if he was the angel who chastened Laman and Lemuel when they were whaling on Nephi and Sam outside the city of Jerusalem on the trip to get the plates of Laban, and if he was the angel who inspired Alma the Younger to straighten up and fly right, and later in Alma's life came to comfort him. Knowing how much Heavenly Father likes the first-shall-be-last and last-shall-be-first principle, it would be fitting if the spirit who became Moroni and wrapped up the record and later loaned it to Joseph Smith, was that first spirit of the twelve whom Father Lehi saw in his vision. None of this is essential to my salvation. But at least I spent some time today pondering, instead of merely listening or half-hearing.

We know from modern revelation that Jesus Christ is the Jehovah of the Old Testament, that the angel Gabriel who announced the big news to Mary, was known as Noah while in mortality, that the archangel Michael was our first earthly father, Adam. Since Noah saved a portion of mankind, I can see how it would be appropriate for Gabriel to announce the coming of a greater Savior. Since Adam ushered in the gift of mortality and the opportunity to choose righteousness, it is only fitting that the great meeting of priesthood brethren, where all priesthood keys are returned to the Savior, should be presided over by Father Adam under the direction of Jesus Christ.

I hope I am still alive to see that day. Oh, how I long for a time when we will not be subject to the whims and wickedness of mortal leaders, when we will have rooted selfishness out of our hearts, when joy and peace and safety flood the earth.

I am sad to learn that the floodwaters from Harvey have breached the Houston temple. I helped to clear brush on the temple site when I went to a singles conference c. 1999. But I am heartened by all the reports of people helping one another, regardless of any differences among them. I hope that much good may result from this catastrophe, that the hearts which are momentarily softened will remain so after the debris and rebuilding are history.

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