About Me

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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Well, that's done!

Middlest (tired, oh so tired!) Fourthborn sailed through her gall bladder surgery like the trooper that she is. We were stuck at the hospital until she could pee, which required an intervention, but she's managed three times on her own since then. We've got a whole lot of thou-shalt-nots, most of which I remembered from when I had mine out in 2001. Once we were released, we headed to IHOP. Scrambled eggs and dry toast with jelly for her, a full meal for me, as I'd eaten what I thought were all of my snacks about two hours into the day.

Lots of happy knitting and a modicum of frogging today. I finished the shoulder strap on the vest and made a good start on the side panel.

I am still vaguely hungry, notwithstanding having devoured the last of the Fage with a generous spoonful of Nutella stirred in, moments after we got home tonight. I do not think there will be much knitting before bedtime, as my body is screaming for (A) water and (B) sleep. I'm hoping that drinking another bottle of water will suffice to hush my stomach without riling my bladder at 2:00am.

The recovery room was a black hole. No bars on my phone, and no internet connection. So we were incommunicado for at least six hours, and Middlest was fearing the worst. My battery died sometime this afternoon and is still charging.

I have 45 minutes in which to eat or not eat, because tomorrow it's my turn. Quarterly diabetes check, minor Costco run, and I hope at least one nap. I am happy and relieved and knackered.

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