About Me

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Ten years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Three days later, and I'm still on the mend.

Which is a good thing. I sent a secure message to my doctor's office, inquiring as to when I'm no longer a danger to public health. I suspect to hear back sometime tomorrow. I have zero intention of going into work until next week, or my doctor OKs it, whichever comes first.

So what I have I done today? Read a nice chunk of The Princess Bride. (Don't faint, Fourthborn.) Cleared one small spot on the living room floor and moved its contents under the orange buffet thingie by the window in what used to be the breakfast nook. Cleared a smaller spot and finished filling in under the buffet and between it and the tall chest of drawers. Swept up some feral dust bunnies that had set up camp around both cleared spots. Finished loading the dishwasher and ran it.

That's about as domestic as I got. A friend from church was kind enough to include our short list in her Costco run and drop it off. A different friend will make a Braums run tomorrow for fresh milk, OJ, and the like.

I've done some coloring and completed the first lace band on the cowl that I'm knitting. A handful of items have gone into the paper bags by the front door that will be tossed into the recycling bin once they're full. A handful of other items are tossed against the door to the garage and will get washed tomorrow (or whenever).

It's supposed to freeze tonight. We have our taps dripping slowly. I have zero desire to walk out into the garage and start a load of darks. Ask me again tomorrow.

I needed to come out here and sit in a different position than I settle into when I'm resting in bed. My tush is no longer asleep, but my legs are both tingling in warning. Later, gators. Ms. Ravelled is feeling remarkably human again. Thank you for your prayers and positive thoughts.

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