About Me

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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

On the third (reading) day of Christmas

At Relief Society earlier this month, we were given a folder of handouts to help us find imaginative ways to celebrate the season. In 2005, the church published a list of readings in the scriptures, to correspond with the twelve days of Christmas. Some of these scriptures will be familiar to you, as they come from the KJV of the Bible. Others will be new to you, but harmonious with what you already know.

As this is a copyrighted article, I am not cutting-and-pasting each day’s reading into my blog posts. Instead, I will post the link and this notice, and you can just read that day’s portion if you choose. I would love to hear your thoughts and impressions.

Consider these my Christmas card(s) to you.

I found this link last Friday. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Last night was all about the Plan B. When I got to my car at the train station, all ready to hop in and head over to Lark’s concert, I couldn’t help noticing that the Sleet Fairy had paid Lorelai a little visit. So as soon as I got the windows sufficiently de-iced, I drove home and then texted Lark and Firstborn, letting them know that I would be staying home.

Better to miss one concert now, than all the ones in the future. Lark very graciously texted me back.

I finished the Christmas ornament for Trainman and have put its mug shot with the other FO’s that I will reveal after Christmas. I also mailed Willow’s ornament off to her. And I put several more rounds on the second Wollmeise sock while listening to back issues of Sticks and String, specifically his interviews with Meg Swansen [EZ’s daughter] and Jared Flood [Brooklyntweed].

It was colder than a bill collector’s heart last night! The fireplace was on when I walked in the door at 7:00 and did not shut off until I went to bed a little after 10:30. But I was warm as toast, knitting on the couch with my Clapotis around my neck and my knitting in my lap.

This afternoon I get to play the plaintiff’s mother in a mock trial our office is putting on. It’s being held at an office in Arlington, so at 4:00 I will be done for the day, and I will just drive the two or three miles over to Firstborn’s and get in some extra time with Middlest before Knit Night. I am hoping that my friend Francis’s wife will brave the crowds and join us. And maybe the nice lady I met on the train last week, as well. Parking is likely to be horrendous near the bookstore. I intend to be parked and knitting while the serious shoppers are eating dinner.

I will also take the opportunity to try on a jacket that caught my eye from the Coldwater Creek catalog. If I like it, I will wait for it to hit 70% off in the online outlet.

And now if you will all kindly excuse me, I am going inhale a nice bowl of cream of wheat and wish that I could curl up on the couch to enjoy the fireplace, which is blazing merrily this morning. It’s 22°F [-6°C] out there, and there is a winter weather advisory. We are expecting freezing drizzle until 4:00pm. I am heading out in 15 minutes to de-ice the windows if necessary. And I am putting the leather gloves under my chenille ones which are trimmed with rabbit fur, and wool socks on over my others, and my lovely wool car coat on over my leather jacket. Thankfully, I have only half a small bag of recycling and less than half a bag of trash to go out today. It would be trash/recycling day today!

Stay warm, everybody, and knit if you get the chance.


Tan said...

Thanks for the link to the reading list. I was trying to make my own but got sidetracked.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and stay warm!