About Me

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Ten years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Not much happening here.

Lots of knitting. Bills getting paid. Bushels and bushels of laughter. And, on my part, a little irritation. Not with Beloved, who continues to delight. But with our phones (four cordless remotes with a central station, and some spare bits).

I have never liked cordless phones. I try not to answer the phone at all, the legacy of having earned my bread by wrangling calls at switchboard for the greater part of ten years. Occasionally I make a call, and when I do the childbirth words are simmering just under my tongue.

We are gradually adding online access to our various accounts. I am comfortable with this, and Beloved recognizes the necessity of it. He is quite happy to pick up the [@#$%] phone and make a payment by wading through voicemail. I want to log on, show them the money, and log off. Thankfully, we are not cranky with one another in this learning curve.

I tried to make a payment on one of our accounts this morning. Could not access his profile. Customer service was not yet awake. He tried paying it semi-old-school, through the phone, and could not. So we are waiting for customer service, and I am chafing at the bit because I could be done with this already. (Feel free to snicker; laughing at myself is a large part of what keeps me human. I have so many opportunities.)

Robi, I found your blog and have added it to my blog reader. Re: your question about an open house? Not happening, but you and your sweetheart will be getting an invitation to dinner in the reasonably near future. Beloved and I have not done anything major (other than turning the living room and dining room into actual living space); the painting, et al, will happen a little at a time over the next several months. Or, maybe, years. If we waited to start having friends over until the house is finished, it would be a long wait.

Gotta go. Cat is in the house and yowling my name. I just took his in vain, when he jumped up on the bed. He is now out in the living room, mewing pitifully at Beloved. Who is not likely to be any more sympathetic than I was.

Do you think that Beloved would notice if I threw all the phones out the window?

Happy birthday to one of my new daughters (you know who you are)!

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