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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Friday, May 05, 2017

PT had unintended consequences today.

I'm there to strengthen my back, primarily, and loosening up my hips will help that, as will strengthening my knees. Apparently the "shoulder needs work, too" did not make it into the Rx for physical therapy. One of the (new as of today) exercises intended to strengthen my back and hips has thoroughly peeved the shoulder I banged up a few months ago. It is currently not speaking to me. It is, however, yelling (childbirth words) and throwing ninja stars at me.

It is not fun to try to shift the Tardis into park. It is not fun to raise my right arm. (I'm sure.) Middlest has offered to rub IcyHot on the affected bits if I can't reach them. I'm calling the pain a 3 on the Ravelled Scale, which is probably a 7 or 8 for ordinary mortals. Remember: I'm the one who walked around on a broken femur for two and a half months. This would probably fell an ox. For me it is more like hugely annoying with a side order of holy cow!

 Time for me to change into my jammies, pop an ibuprofen, and knit or quilt until I can take my evening meds and call it a day. Sometime between now and 1:00 tomorrow afternoon, I need to sew two quilt blocks. I have zero interest in doing that now.

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