About Me

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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Strange little day.

Today has been a weird one. Woke up a bit before the alarm would normally go off, grabbed my morning meds, did my PT homework, fixed a healthy breakfast, ate it, knitted one row on Avery's sweater while listening to the Book of Mormon on my phone, finished the chapter and paused my phone, and promptly fell asleep sitting bolt upright.

Whined a little about that on Facebook, went back to bed and slept another three hours. Got up, made a PBJ, washed it down with buttermilk, and got dressed sufficiently to make a run to Kroger and Costco. Schlepped the groceries to the front porch. Fourthborn brought them in. Middlest put them away. I headed for the shower, because it was hot and humid and icky out there.

I got another row onto Avery's sweater and measured it. I think six more rows, maybe seven, will get me to the stopping point.

Have I quilted? Nope. Have I finished my talk for church tomorrow? Nope, but I have made notes and read all of the Conference talks I printed out. I have been so oh-look-shiny today. I could tell you how to craft a bow for an MSD, given the proper raw materials. (I've downloaded the pattern.)

My muscle relaxer has kicked in. I think I can post this before falling asleep.

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