About Me

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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Neat stuff.

Work went well, again. I kept up with my attorney’s calendar and the day’s mail. I also kept up with Attorney B’s calendar and mail (his secretary is on vacation). It helps that we have had two successive days of light mail, but by the grace of Heaven I have been getting all my to-do’s to-did and checked off the list.

My new shoes arrived after lunch. And, as I had hoped, they fit perfectly. My stance is better, my gait is better, and the old shoes went straight into the trash. I did not even wave bye-bye. These are seconds, from the Dansko outlet online, and I cannot see or feel a thing wrong with them. Before they came, I was limping slightly all morning. After that? Pfft!

Since the new guy’s ward’s temple session did not begin until 7:30, I had time to go to Rockfish and have a bowl of cream of jalapeno soup and one of their delicious side salads for my dinner. I also made a little progress on the current stealth project after I ordered and while waiting for my check. Looking forward to more knitting when I get to work today.

Interesting moment at the temple last night. Before the session, I was standing at a desk for some administrative stuff, and when I turned around, not only were the new guy and his mother standing there (which I expected), but the other sister he is dating, who serves in the temple on Wednesday nights (not to be confused with the Other Woman, whose name is Cancer). We talked briefly and hugged and agreed that he really is looking good.

Yes, I know, that’s not the norm. What is normal is to be jealous and insecure and snarky and, in my case, impatient.

My dear friend J was also on the session with us, which made it all the better. Afterward, I got the storage containers out of Lorelai and handed them back. Tucked in with them was a cartoon that my best-friend-at-work had given me, from her calendar (Zits), in which the son kisses his girlfriend goodbye and then remarks to his best friend that girl is his favorite flavor.

Yes, I’m incorrigible. It wouldn’t be appropriate for the new guy and me to be smooching now, when there are still two petri dishes in the grand experiment. But it doesn’t hurt to remind him of what may be ahead. (He emailed me late last night that he’d found the cartoon, and liked it.)

I have nearly finished the book I am reading.

The new guy meets with his oncologist today. He should be getting the cancer numbers, and he will call or message me later.

Tonight I am back at the temple. Tomorrow night is my massage. But between now and work I need to buy new knee-high hose, so I had better get moving.


Rory said...

I'm glad you had such a nice evening. :) I love you and I'm glad that you have good things going for you.

wendy K said...

So, I'm curious, did "the other woman" see you give back the containers? You didn't say I couldn't be snarky and I just can't help myself. Thanks for always providing me an early morning chuckle to start my day :)