About Me

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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Stuffed to the gills.

Dinner at the new guy’s: grilled salmon. Asparagus wrapped in bacon and grilled, with a bit of feta sprinkled on top afterward. Grilled tomato halves topped with mozzarella. A fruit salad, unadorned. Grilled crooknecks and zucchini. (Which I actually liked. I know! We should call the Guinness people.) I baked turtle brownies.

He passed out twice, maybe three times, at church today. Four big strong guys manhandled him into a car and brought him home, where he slept. He suspects that his BP medicine needs to be adjusted for the fact that he has lost so much weight.

He was astonished to see how many storage containers he had sent home with me. He sent me home with two more, one holding a grilled tomato, some squash, and what I think is the last of the salmon, and the other holding a genteel portion of fruit salad. I also brought home about 25% of the brownies.

Eldest son transferred the contents of my memory card onto a disc so I can feed it into my computer, then reformatted the memory card so I can take more pictures. He told me I needed a bigger memory card. I didn't tell him that it’s taken me what, four years? to fill it the first time. I am hoping that when I load this onto my hard drive, the photographs that didn’t survive the transfer from the old computer, will no longer be MIA.

It was touch and go as to whether I would have enough gas to make it home. I have just enough to hie meself to the gas station in the morning.

Stealth project got finished when I went to bed about 12:30 this morning. I cast on a fresh project while dinner was a-grilling.

I am now going to bed. But here’s the timeline as we understand it: back to the oncologist later this week, where we’ll learn if the cancer numbers are going down. Third treatment the week after that, fourth two weeks later, followed by another visit with the oncologist and the CT scan that will give us a more definitive answer.

I got some great hugs tonight. If you hear grinning on the Doppler radar in North Texas tonight, that would be me.

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

Mmm, dinner sounds delicious, salmon notwithstanding.