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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Happy birthday to me!

It’s been a wild and crazy couple of days. I went with Beloved up to Denton yesterday and used the Ondamed machine after he had his treatment. I could feel something subtly different inside my head afterward. I did one protocol for inflammation and two for lymph. Or maybe the other way around; I’ve slept since then.

On the way home we stopped at IKEA for a late breakfast and to window shop. Found something that may do very well as the centerpiece of a refurbished dining room closet, if we go ahead and convert it to a built-in buffet. Here is the link, since I can’t format the pop-out window properly on Beloved’s computer: http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/00180548/

I like lingonberries!!!

We bought some red-striped hand towels, a package of cork hot-pads, and several bottles of foo foo lingonberry juice.

Smooshy, here is a link to some glasses with dots (the bigger ones) that are Mel’s shade of purple: http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/00186951/.

We came home. I napped. Beloved worked outside in the garden. Then we went to Home Depot, where I got to see orange-aproned employees vanish anytime he looked in their direction. It would have been funny, except that he actually needed to ask somebody a question. After we bought about half of what we had gone there for, I was able to flag one down in the parking lot, to help us get the new storage unit loaded into the back of the truck. I do a pretty good impression of a polite but feisty little old lady when I need to. That young man just about ma’amed me to death!

From there we went to Wally World (or maybe the other way around) and bought stuff. Which is, after all, what one goes to Wally World to do. And then we came home, wrangled the box with the storage thingie onto our dolly and into the living room, put the groceries away, and had a quiet evening.

Oh, I forgot. I made dinner. Probably too late to alert the media. I made a simple risotto with plenty of (frozen) chopped onions, bits of venison sausage, and a generous grating of sheep cheese. I am still running victory laps inside my head over that. We had salad, and for dessert I stirred two cartons of strawberry Greek yogurt together with some of my leftover raspberry/strawberry slurry.

I have been a sybaritic slug today. Woke up about 6:30 and had a bowl of raisin bran. Beloved asked, “Don’t you want waffles or hotcakes or something special for your birthday breakfast?” The insomnia fairy smacked him upside the head about 5:00 this morning, and he was out in the living room, watching TV or playing on his laptop.

Nope. I just wanted something quick and easy. Then I scooted out the door for Arlington, got my face and pits waxed and my eyebrows shaped (I look a wee bit surprised, but overall I am pleased with the results) and had a foot reflexology session with a woman who knows her stuff.

After that I headed to the new Container Store which has opened up where the Borders had been, and I got three shelf liners for our new shelving unit, and a shocking pink magazine holder to go with my red and orange ones.

My sister sent a wonderful knitting book and a copy of Piecework’s Knitting Traditions magazine and a deliciously snarky card: [woman with retro dress and hairdo, holding telephone receiver] “It’s your youth ... it wants to know when’s a good time to stop by and get its stuff.”

Dinner tonight is grilled salmon, steamed carrots, cantaloupe, and potatoes. It will be ready in about half an hour. We will have the two surviving bundt brownies from Sunday’s dinner for dessert, and then we are going to the temple, which means that I really ought to do something with my hair. On the one hand, ward temple night is perhaps not what I had envisioned to celebrate my birthday. (See below.) On the other hand, I cannot think of a better way to thank Heaven for this wild and crazy ride which is my life. The first 60 years have been pretty amazing; can’t wait to see how the next 40 years unfold!

Oh rats! I just realized that I forgot to stop off at the Harley shop and ask them to take my picture sitting on a 72. Oh well: it will probably be more scary for my kids if I wait until my 70th birthday, right?

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