About Me

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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


The Verizon check was waiting when I got home from the Charlie Daniels concert on Friday and was deposited on Saturday.

The most important news of the past week is that I have my letter from the First Presidency, cancelling my sealing to the children's father and giving me permission to be sealed to Beloved. I will interview with Bishop tonight and the stake president sometime soon. And then I will call my dear friend who is a sealer and see if he is still up to it or if I need to call Beloved's dear friend who is also a sealer. And then I will call the temple and make an appointment.

We had 250+ at our wedding, (350+ at the memorial service), and the largest sealing room only holds 53. I have dear friends whose sealings I was honored to attend, whom I will not have room to invite.

In a way it would be harder if Beloved were still here for the discussion. Might even have led (somewhat ironically) to our second fight. Right now I am trying to make sure that people I love from all eras of my life are included.

Oh how I wish that my LDS knitting sisters from here on the blog could be there with me. You have each been such stalwart friends over the years.

In legal news, revised versions of various bits of paperwork went out in yesterday's mail. We might actually be approaching the end of that particular tunnel. But that's just about stuff. None of which will march with me into the eternities. Being sealed to Beloved is the most important item on my honey do list. I have been aching for that since I fell in love with him two years ago.

In musical news, I have two recorders here on approval. Over the course of the next few days I will gradually break them in and get to know them. And then I will likely (and reluctantly) vote one of them off the island.

In taking care of Ms. Ravelled news, I am getting a massage tonight after my interview. And incorporating hand exercises into my day. But I would just about kill for a bowl of baked tater tots this morning. And I've been out for a couple of weeks now.

1 comment:

AlisonH said...

With you in spirit and with love.