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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Friday, February 18, 2022

Patch, patch, patch.

My office manager called me today, concerned that I am not getting better. It was genuine concern on her part, not a passive-aggressive "we're losing money on you, kid, shape up!" After I got off the phone with her, I called my PCP to see if he had any slots for today. He did not, so I told the receptionist I would come to the after hours clinic. Which I did. The doctor on duty was new to me. He has a South Asian surname and the most glorious brown-black eyes I think I've ever seen. They're even more beautiful than Omar Sharif's. (Yes, I fell in love with Omar Sharif when I was a teenager watching Dr. Zhivago with my parents and again when he was in Funny Girl.)

I now have two new prescriptions, a steroid shot in my derriere and a list of instructions as long as Chutzpah's arm. To wit:

1. Take a Covid test. Good thing our free tests arrived a few days ago. This means downloading an app to my phone, having one of the bipolar bears help me capture the QR code googling how to find the QR scanner on my phone, watching some videos, and then following the instructions.

2. Use my inhaler every four hours that I'm awake this weekend, and then as needed.

3. Monitor my blood sugar, because steroids increase it. I have that kit that I've been ignoring since it arrived. No more excuses.

4. If I'm not better in a week, go in for a chest X-ray.

I have a different antibiotic this time, doxycycline. I've read the possible side effects, none of which mention suicidal ideation, so I think we're good to go. The other is benzonatate, for my coughing. Side effects sound livable, and I'll be emailing the office manager to tell her that I shouldn't drive while taking it.

Result of Covid test: negative (as I expected)

I've eaten my chili and picked the chicken off of my chicken Caesar salad and put the rest of it in the fridge for later. I'm torn between staying up long enough out here to play Wordle when the clock ticks over, or fluffing my nest and watching some Disney + while polishing off my mango smoothie.

All in all, I feel better than I did mid-afternoon. I wonder if the urge to alphabetize everything will kick in overnight and if there will be roid rage as the shot (which is supposed to last several weeks) tapers down in my system.

Could be an interesting weekend.


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