About Me

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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Bragging on Middlest

Just had to show you this photo. Scroll down to the very last one.

Middlest is the only one of the girls who is left-handed, like my late mother and my nephew. Which I guess makes her one of the few in this tribe who is in her right mind. [I seem to spend most of my days dancing down the cranial Great Divide. Should I worry about that?] She is also, if I remember correctly, left-footed. Though why they would assess kindergartners for that, and how, has often puzzled me.

Punkin commented below on the fact that I am swatching Muir; seems that she’s been bitten by the same bug. Yes, I am. Sortof. When I saw it on Knitty, it was one of those gasp! gotta do that! moments. I have all that lovely light green alpaca that I bought as one option for MS3. And it has been waiting patiently for me to remember, twiddling its plies in my Laceweight drawer.

I think I am a little greened out. After Swallowtail and MS3, this very red and purple woman is now drawn to the charcoal that has been languishing on size 10 needles in a bag on a table all these months. Maybe this is the visual equivalent of a palate cleanser? Or maybe it is simply the fortuitous [fivetuitous? thank you, Victor Borge!] convergence of my intermittent frugality with my need for something to knit. I have been uncharacteristically restrained in terms of yarn purchases all year. Not formally and consciously stash-busting, but that seems to be the general effect.

Hey, speaking of Punkin, here’s what she has been up to: this and also this.

The main reason I am swatching Muir is to see what it would look like in Denim Silk on big needles. Unblocked, it looks like this:

Sortof like velvet, or chenille without its aggravations. And we will close with a snapshot of LittleBit in her new hoodie.

The proportions are a little Goya-esque. Something about that 90° rotation in Paint that I cannot seem to outsmart.

I have been trying to get a picture of her in it all week, but with the time change there’s just not enough light in the mornings, and we hardly see each other in the evenings. They worked her until almost midnight at the restaurant last night, doing all the take-out orders and rolling silverware and preparing kiddie packets and washing windows. Her BF showed up to surprise her and ended up staying to help her roll silverware. I was livid that she came home at a quarter past twelve until I saw her; she looked like she did with that tube in her arm a couple of weeks ago, not like somebody who had been kissing for two hours. So yeah, I believe her. [She also looked not-happy, which is further evidence of her truthfulness, LOL.]

Four hours of sleep for my baby girl this morning. Welcome to Grownupdom, honey!

[Needless to say, there was no drivers ed lesson from 12:15 until 12:45.]

I am so thankful that this is Friday. Jeans to work, and possibly a new blouse from a girlfriend who bought it and wore it once because she swam in it and would I like to try it? yes I would, and payday blessed payday, and dinner with Brother Sushi tonight. My nickel, this month. I am so broke that I cannot even pay attention, so it is likely to be Taco Cabana tonight, as I am Not. In. The. Mood. To. Cook.


Anonymous said...

The hoodie is wonderful! The bubble wrap is another story. You know I'm somewhat obsessive, right?

Jo at Celtic Memory Yarns said...

Listen, all us really clever crafters are left handed. We planned it that way - we asked before we got let out into the world and even though we were warned that it would necessitate losing something else - like common sense - we still went for it. And boy was it worth it!