Request to feature your photo: We’d like to feature your photo on the Ravelry page for A Silk Tie by Knit Picks Design Team.
That link might not work for you. I just cut-and-pasted it from their email. I find it amazing that somebody would want to feature one of my photographs, because photography is probably my smallest, least-developed talent, unless you count housekeeping. You could have knocked me over with a ball of sock yarn!
Jen @ The Cottage Nest is one of five bloggers participating in BH&G’s 48-Hour Challenge. Good luck!
The baby socks are done. These are Baby Socks by Bianca Boonstra of LittleBlueClipperDesigns, downloaded for free from Ravelry. The only modification I made, was to rotate the cuff by one stitch on the 40th round, so the ribbing on the instep would read K1, [P2, K2, P2...], K1. I like symmetry.
BittyBit’s sweater is also done. Two finished objects in one glorious day! This is Reid, by Brooke T. Higgins from the Spring 2006 issue of Knitty.
One of my friends at church, and her husband, have a simple and visually pleasing container garden. I ran by there after the memorial service [the church one, not the one for my friend at work] and snapped these.
And some onions.
Mystery plants. At least a mystery to me.
I have half an hour before I should leave for my first meeting of the day. I need to figure out today’s church knitting. Am back at work on the Sunrise Circle Jacket, but the increases and decreases require more attention than I ought to give them while at church. It would be nowhere near so complicated if I were not combining the original design features with alternate rows of two colors while modifying the decrease pattern on the raglan sleeves.
Perhaps a pair of mindless stockinette socks? Or maybe a Christmas ornament? Aughhh!
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