About Me

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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Work, work, work, pant, pant, pant

I think I am all caught up. This is something like a miracle on the order of the loaves and the fishes. My inbox is empty, except for one item which my attorney slipped in when he was walking out the door. Our mail is out. As is the mail for the rest of the office; I took it all downstairs.

Everything on my to-do list is to-done.

There was a message waiting for me from the new guy when I went to lunch. Nothing earth-shaking, just touching base.

I had church X 2 yesterday: all of my regular meetings, plus a second round so that I could hear Firstborn [and the rest of the choir, including 1BDH] sing in their Easter cantata. All five of the grands were there. Willow is here from Fern Parts, and almost as cool? The socks I made for her, fit. And we have figured out what I am making her for her birthday this year.

Lots of scanning and shredding on Saturday. Many, many bills paid. 2BDH tells me that part of the computer has been shipped. KnitPicks shipped my order today.

I have leftover M&Ms from the goodie bags I put together for my Primary kids. I ate the last of the leftover cookies on the drive into work today.

It looks like I am mildly allergic to one of the granolas that I buy. This was the third time that I noticed a persistent desire to hack after eating a bowlful. Now to determine if the other flavor does the same thing. And to find somebody who can enjoy two partial boxes of organic goodness without respiratory drama ensuing.

Finished a doll hat on Saturday and am on the home stretch of another one. Bought a Namaste circular needle organizer and will buy a second one from a friend at Knit Night tomorrow. I may need part of a third one in order to corral all of my circs.

Having dinner with girlfriends tonight and calling it visiting teaching.

Life is good.

1 comment:

Tola said...

id love to see one of these hats, because my imagination seems to be broken.

as for corralling circular needles, what works for me is to keep the original package, and file them all in a plastic shoebox. it lives under the couch, along with the shoebox holding my dpns. my KP binder lives under my side table.