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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Caught up? Really?

No, not with the housework. With reading my Bloglines. I have deleted about a third of the ones I was reading, saving just my favorites. Others may go in the future [I don’t have to decide today]. When I got home from work last night, it was an easy matter to go through the new ones that had popped up during the day.

I think the days of looking at my Bloglines and seeing 322 posts waiting to be read, are past.

I am also caught up on the laundry. When the home teachers came on Sunday night, I asked if either of them knew of a good, clean, safe laundromat nearby. The single one did, and gave me clear directions. And now I don’t have to tilt at that particular windmill for another three weeks or so. Woohoo!

And I’m about 2/3 done with the stealth project for Firstborn’s birthday.

Weird, weird dream night before last. I dreamed I was having a clear-the-air conversation with Brother Abacus, in which he told me that I had broken his heart and that he really, really missed me. [This is how we know it was a dream, because I am probably the last woman on earth he would want to have a heart-to-heart with.]

Now, I had another dream recently where I was talking with my [late] mother about my budget and fiscal responsibility in general, and she offered to help me plan things out. That was only a one-weird dream, not a two-weird one. If she were here, we could conceivably have that conversation. I think the real reason she showed up was to remind me to get back to work on my family history research.

I have no idea why Brother Abacus showed up behind my eyeballs. I haven’t spoken to him in a year and a half. I saw him briefly the last time I visited Secondborn’s ward a few months back, but we studiously ignored one another.

I set my alarm 15 minutes earlier, yesterday and today, to work on family history. I can see that I will also need to set a timer so that I don’t go over. [I should probably find another time to do it.] I was able to create a record for the children’s father. I didn’t find anything for him in the church records online. I wonder if he’s asked to have his name removed from the records of the church? I don’t see how that can be, because he’s still carried on the membership roll in my old ward, and he still has home teachers. His parents are listed; I’ll connect them tomorrow.

I wonder if I can string 54 beads while the bathtub fills? I may have to wait until I get to work, for that, because I need to leave early enough to set out the garbage and the recycling, and to tank the car.

Lots of progress on the Noro Kimono yesterday; I’m almost at a decision point in terms of the length of the sleeves.

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

I'm pretty sure they hide the records of living individuals for privacy reasons. That is probably why you couldn't find him.