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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Sock stash enhancement.

Three completed pairs, with their ends woven in. The stripedy ones had been lurking in the bottom of a knitting bag for several months. They are nowhere near as pink as they look in this photo.

They are gold, brown, and purple. I blame my red plaid sheets.

Sitting here eating a salad composed of 50/50 spring mix and spinach, julienne carrots, julienne extra sharp cheddar, organic blueberries, and one small shard of something that looks vaguely like carrot but has the consistency of a toothpick and tried to shank me in the cheek. It was trying to hide in the ranch dressing; nevertheless, I thwarted its evil plan.

This has been a rather weird day. Slept in until 7:00. That was wonderful, not weird. Middlest was awake. That was kind of weird. We agreed to leave the house at 9:00 so we could be at Costco when it opened at 9:30. (Also not weird.)

We were home, food put away, and ready for naps by noon. (Middlest didn't sleep well last night.) I sewed the last snap onto Avery's sweater and wove in the ends on one sock. I will neither confirm nor deny that I may have played a lot on my phone as well. By then it was 1:30, and I was falling asleep sitting up. I was figuring on a two hour nap and lots of crafting afterward. I slept for five and a half hours, got dressed again, ran to Hobby Lobby before they closed, then to Braums, Racetrac, and Bueno.

I smuggled a bean burrito into the house in my purse, carefully zipped so as not to mock Fourthborn, who has been craving TexMex since she had her kidney/gallstone attack, or to wake Middlest, who was trying to sleep off a migraine. A purse that zips shut is handy not just during rainstorms.

It is now nearly midnight, and I'm not the least bit sleepy. Time to finish this salad and knit until sleep overtakes me again.

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