About Me

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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Another “match” (not)!

I did a quick flit through my inbox and found another alleged match on the Churchboy Dating Service. Age-appropriate? Check! Other criteria? Reasonably good match. Body type he’s looking for? Slender. Is he slender himself? No! And they call it male logic?


Far more satisfactory is yesterday’s progress on the second entrelac sock. Not enough to justify grabbing my camera, but gratifying nonetheless.

I took a five-hour nap and woke up feeling marginally more human. So I scrubbed all the small purple potatoes and skinned half a dozen shallots, tumbled them in a bag with olive oil, Hungarian paprika, and herbes de Provence, and baked them for what was intended to be half an hour at 350°F/177°C but ended up being longer, because I was so distracted by the movie that I didn’t hear the timer ring. A little sea salt, a dollop of sour cream leftover from making that rocky road crockpot cake last weekend, and I had the perfect light dinner, with enough left for lunch or dinner tonight or tomorrow.

Never thought the day would come when a kitchen that smells of roasted onions would be a good thing.

Not much going on here this morning. I am almost ready to leave for work, half an hour ahead of schedule. My lunch is on the kitchen counter. I know where my knitting is. The extra cheese plane is on top of my knitting bag, ready to go to the office with me. There will be more cheese and apple and water crackers for lunch today, plus healthy snacks in case I get hungry between meals. I know where my train pass, office card key, employee badge, and keys are. My cell phone is charged. I must have gotten enough sleep last night.

Not much going on here this morning? I fear I have misspoken. What we see here is a flock of small miracles like ducks in a row.


1 comment:

Jenni said...

Don't worry it is only Monday and there is plenty of time for all hell to break loose! Te he.