About Me

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Ten years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

In which we have more adventures.

It is getting to be a regular Tuesday night thing. I walk out of Knit Night. My right front tire is low, or in the case of last night, flatter than a flitter. I hie meself to Firstborn’s, and 1BDH fixes my flat.

But in between the oh-dear-ing and the hie-ing, there was a cop.

With permission, Monica got a picture from the rear, as he didn’t want his face on my blog. Pity. It was such a nice face. While he was putting his gloves back in his trunk, I signed to Monica’s daughter, “Cute!!!”

She of course cracked up and turned around to translate for the group. When I looked back seconds later, they were all giving a big thumbs-up.

Random factoid: at 4:56 this morning, the time was 4:56 7/8/09. And will be again at 4:56pm, if you don’t observe military time.

Edifying quotation [sent out by the office manager, who never ceases to amaze me: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then is not an act but a habit.” (Aristotle)

Random factoid the second: I met Lark’s boyfriend last night. Looks you right in the eye, and a good firm handshake.

I got that far in drafting this post before the drowsies overtook me. I am heading out shortly for Firstborn’s surgery. Leslye, I will bring that slipcase that needs to be handed on; not sure if I will get by your place today or tomorrow. First I need to refill Lorelai’s tank, and my own. So glad that Whataburger is right next to the Shell station!

Knit Night sisters, I will try to post results of her surgery on the board when I am at Firstborn’s later this morning; failing that, I will text Monica and see if she can post on my behalf. Prayers and positive thoughts, y’all. I am astounded at what they can do laparoscopically these days: pull your left big toe out through your eyebrow! Or something like that.

Yes, I have my knitting. Three bags full... What I am lacking at the moment is chocolate, but I know how to fix that.


Francis Shivone said...

Your office manager is playing my kind of music (He must be a Catholic).

Let's see the Starbucks on Randall Mill?

Jenni said...

See I am even well enough to be galavanting around online, even if I'm on the couch while doing it!