About Me

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Ten years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Eagle Court of Honor

I have only been to a handful of these. The ones in our ward are very simple and straightforward. The one last night was, well, more symbolic and poetic. Perfectly suited to the personalities of the participants. And yet another testimony to me that frequently there is more than one right way to do things.

Yesterday was another mixed bag at work. I backed up two attorneys in addition to my two. Made for a very busy day. I opened up three cases. Including one that was past due for one of the other attorneys.

By the time I left the office I was so tense that I could barely move. But the evening's festivities went a long way toward remedying that. A good night's sleep has also helped.

I have been up since a little past 5:00 and am waiting for the rest of the world to follow suit so I can get something done.

Meditation on the theme of small repeated actions bearing much fruit. It's been a dry winter as far as my skin is concerned. About ten days ago I started keeping a tube of Aveeno on the passenger seat. At some point in the morning commute I take off my rings and clamp them between my lips. Then I lotion my hands and put my rings back on. There are enough red lights between home and the freeway that I can do this safely. Consequently, my hands are consistently softer than usual. Sometimes I even remember to swab at my elbows.

My feet and ankles continue to be problematic. There is no graceful or safe way to care for them in the car. And I don't want to gunk up the sheets at night. But I will eventually figure something out.

If you came here for profundity this morning, you are barking up the wrong blog. My ankles are itching like crazy,  and I am going to do something about it. And then I am going to figure out how to cleverly wrap a wedding gift without making a trip to the store for a gift bag. After that I am going to find the first of a handful of tasks that will make a visible difference around here and get cracking.

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