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Eleven years into widowhood, after one year of incredible happiness and nearly 14 years of single blessedness. Retired, and mostly enjoying it. Still knitting. [Zen]tangling.again after a brief hiatus.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Another Quick Post

In between bites of breakfast. Yesterday did not seem particularly productive until I examined the Koigu sock this morning. I am working the ribbing at the cuff and have grabbed the second ball of yarn [and need to run back in my room for a moment to grab my knitting tool bag so I can do a sewn bind-off in a few more rows]. I should have made a less-pointy toe, or knitted a few less rounds on the foot before increasing for the gusset. It will probably adjust nicely in the wash.

I spent altogether too much time at the front desk yesterday and did not get my morning or afternoon breaks, because of the monthly support staff meeting [when I manned the switchboard] and a meeting of the admin team right after lunch. I had four minor settlements to enter and got three of them put in, had to hand back one tape for transcription because of the afternoon meeting, and was given another 20 minutes before closing, for which I pulled the document template and cleared the hidden text so I can hit the floor running when I walk in the door today.

I was so frustrated at not having much knitting time at work, that I knit like the wind on the train ride home, while Trainman read. And then I popped in an Anne Perry audiobook and listened to three sides while barreling up the ankle. I stayed up longer than was sensible, but I finally felt as if I had had some control over my day.

Before crashing for the night, I put multi-grain cereal, some dried fruit that was either large raisins or small cherries, freshly grated nutmeg and a cinnamon stick into my mini-crockpot. This morning I took out three servings of breakfast, two of which are waiting in the fridge. I am nearly done with my bowl of cereal, my lunch is packed, and I think it is going to be a terrific day!

Pictures of the completed sock, probably tomorrow. As the sergeant on “Hill Street Blues” used to say, “[Y’all] be careful out there.”

1 comment:

Jenni said...

Missed you yesterday.